Top 10 Tips for Parents

  • Invest in your kids with quality time like a Love Savings Account, when things get rough between you you’ll both draw on it to stay connected. Quality time might be: reading together, dicussing dilemmas that arise on TV shows you watch together, playing games, coaching their sports teams, cooking together, camping, or sharing a hobbie.
  • Use phrases like “Wow! How did you do that!”, “Awesome job!”, ” I am so proud when you handle yourself like that!”, and “I know you can handle this, I have faith in you, let me know if you need my support”.
  • Tell them how you feel, “I feel __, when you __, and what I would like is ___.” This models responsibility for your feelings, and makes a specific request without blaming. Phrases like “You always/never…” put people on the defensive and block communication.
  • Make the punishment fit the crime. For example, if they fail to do a chore regularly, let them know they will have to do an extra one each time they “forget”, or must do their chores prior to watching TV or playing with friends.
  • Give kids choices. “Would you like broccoli or green beans with dinner?” This avoids power struggles, leaves them feeling respected. Does it really matter how they get their green veggies?
  • Empower kids about money. Set up a savings account, teach them experientially about investing, debt, interest and life’s expenses. If they see how much your mortgage and groceries cost, they’ll understand why $300.00 shoes are not realistic.
  • Set boundaries about time alone and personal space. “When the door is closed or I am on the phone, don’t interrupt me unless you are on fire.” (Well, you get the idea!)
  • The best gift to your kid is good self-care and a loving relationship with your partner. Model that parenting does not equal martyrdom. Spending time alone with your partner gives kids a healthy model of love and a sense of security.
  • Teamwork and communication are valuable life skills! Put kids in environments where they learn to work as a team, and can safely express their thoughts and feelings. Team sports and organizations such as the Scouts are great team builders.
  • Have your kids contribute at home and in your community. I suggest you let kids pick chores when possible, would he or she rather clean the kitchen or fold laundry? Compliance is higher when kids have some choice in how they help out. Chores foster pride and ownership in your home and volunteering produces pride in service to the world.
Top Boarding Schools

You have questions... We have answers
  • Q: I read on the website that these schools offer family therapy, but how does that happen when the school is so far away?

    You will participate in the family therapy by phone, and when you come for your family visits, you will then do face to face family therapy.

  • Q: Why are most of these programs in Utah?

    The original Residential Treatment Center was opened in Utah, and they have been improving their system ever since. There is an entire state agency devoted to overseeing and regulating these programs. The other reason is that in Utah, the legal age is 18, so you can force your child to get treatment until they are 18. Legal age varies by state but there are an increasingly high number of states where the legal age is 17 even if you are still financially and physically responsible for them until they are 18.

    As long as your child is under the age of 18 and you have custody of your child, then your child does not have to go willingly. You can force them to go against their will for their benefit.

  • Q: If my child won't go willingly, how do I get them there?

    There are teen transport companies we contract with that are highly trained and they will come to your home and pick up your child. There job is to escort your child there safely! This takes away the worry and the fighting. There is an additional fee for this service.

  • Q: Does insurance cover the cost of treatment or boarding?

    Insurance plans vary so much that there is not a solid answer. You can find out what your coverage is by calling them directly and asking about your in-patient mental health benefits. In order for coverage, it has to be medically necessary, based on diagnosis and most insurance companies require a pre-authorization.